Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seeing What is There

I've always hated it when I find I've convinced myself to believe something that isn't true.

If you're determined enough to find or believe something you will. Not because it's actually there but because it's the only thing you're willing to find. Scientists have discovered that what we look for eventually becomes all we can see, because the neuron groups in our brains strengthen or weaken in the response to the things we pay attention to.
Over time we create blind spots.

My tendency, because of this, is to overcompensate by being extremely skeptical of everything I'd like to think.  Which is why I spent two weeks telling myself that I have always found the smell of Asian food to be nauseating until Andrew finally chased me into the bathroom and told me to take a pregnancy test.

[haha, I bet you thought this post was going to be intellectual.]

I'm a pretty chill person; even as a toddler, when my brothers set our porch on fire I picked up the dog's water bowl and put it out.

But a pregnancy test...

...my hands were definitely shaking a little.

Three minutes.

It was probably going to be false anyway.

I'd put my make-up on while I waited, three minutes was enough time.

My timer buzzed and I flipped the test over.

One line.



It was faint. It was possible my vision was being weird.

Slow blink.

Look away. Look back.

Still there. Definitely there.

There was still one way to make sure.

I schooled my expression into a neutral one and walked out of the bathroom.

Reading a pregnancy test is not something that men educate themselves in.

Andrew stared at it for several long seconds double checking his interpretation.

"So you're pregnant...?"

There was a part of me that still didn't believe it. I had to wait three weeks for my first prenatal and even while sitting in the waiting room I was convinced that when I went in and they'd tell me I wasn't pregnant and send me home. When the baby showed up on the sonogram I pulled the biggest cliché and nearly cried (it was totally just because of hormones).

It's been a pretty chill pregnancy so far. Working in a prenatal clinic and studying midwifery has given me a nice head start on what to expect. And I inherited my mother's even hormones, so while the nausea was there it wasn't debilitating; a great kindness during the holiday season.

I have been disappointed by the fact that I never got the overwhelming craving for chocolate croissants that I was hoping for. In fact, not really any cravings at all. So lame.
But none of that really matters, what matters is that we're having a baby. I still can't believe it sometimes.


  1. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! I was thinking about you recently and was expecting to hear expectant news! Not nearly as surprised as you! Surprisingly!
    Love, "Auntie Joanie"

  2. I still haven't had the cravings I thought I would have either....which is kind of sad. :( oh well! here's to healthy pregnancies!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How totally exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... You may (or may not) remember me... I came to your home ~ your back patio, actually ~ MANY years ago and, with a friend, videotaped an interview of your dad. I was doing this for my homeschool course. You were really tiny! And darling!!! ... I also came to your home at least a decade later, for the going-away (to Maryland) party for Josh! He had invited Dave and me and our oldest daughter, Sharnessa ~ who's 16th birthday party we had hired him to videotape. (She is now 36, so that was TWO DECADES ago!!!) ... And do you remember your mom getting an empty bottle of Sojo pop in the mail? With the "j" covered with an "n" ~ so it would spell her name? That was me, just having fun, and blessing your mom just for being her. I remember the first time I saw a picture ~ black and white ~ of her, with a very young Josh, on the cover of Teaching Home magazine. At a little desk. SOOO encouraging to those of us just starting out homeschooling with almost NO one else doing it, and with NO support from family or friends who thought we were crazy! (Which I'm sure we were, but we weren't going to tell anyone else!) I also remember speaking at the same homeschool convention she spoke at ~ and at the same time slot at the end of the day. I was teaching a workshop on homeschooling through high school, and they had slotted your mom to do a Tea with Sono Harris at the same time. Great. My worst fears were confirmed ~ that workshop was the least attended of any I have ever done!!! ;-) So now that sweet little girl is having a baby of her own!!!!! Here is a big congratulatory hug, and a few words: Your mom would be SOOOOOOO proud of the beautiful woman you have become!!!!!!! And I KNOW she is in that "cloud of saints" who have gone before us, rejoicing with you over the new life growing in you, looking forward to your Ultimate Reunion in Heaven!!!!!

  4. Congratulations, Sarah to you and your husband!!!
